Facts and Info You Should Know About Dengue…

Zaheer Ahmed Shaik
3 min readDec 19, 2017


Interesting Facts Related to Dengue Fever
  • Dengue is nothing but a “Fever”.
  • Dengue is caused by the bites of Infected Mosquitoes.
  • The Mosquitoes belong to the family of “Aedes” and the one among them which is primarily responsible is “Aedes Aegypti”.
  • The Virus responsible for Dengue fever is named as “DENV”. This virus enters into mosquitoes from which it gets transferred to human blood along with saliva during its bite.
  • Dengue is the most common and prevalent in Tropical and Subtropical Regions of the world.
Dengue Spread and Deaths all over the World
  • Info about Mosquito: This Aedes Aegypti mosquito bites during the day time. They lay their eggs in clear stagnant shady water. These mosquitoes can be distinguished from other mosquitoes by having black and white stripes on their body and legs.
Dengue Mosquito Identification
  • The Symptoms of Dengue fever usually appear in 3 to 14 Days. In some cases, Dengue is Asymptomatic. The symptoms include High Body Temperature (Fever), Severe Body Pains (Including Joints), Flu-Like Symptoms and Red and White Patches all over the Body. In severe cases, Bleeding is observed from different parts of the body like teeth gums, nose, etc.
  • An interesting fact about Dengue is, the person will get recover from Dengue with his own immunity. Treatment is only required when the symptoms are critical and tremendous.
  • Diagnosis of Dengue: There are direct laboratory tests available for confirmation of Dengue fever. However, the cheap and best method is Blood Platelets Count Measurement. The count of Blood Platelets will fall down during Dengue.
  • Treatment of Dengue: There is no specific treatment for Dengue fever. As it is caused by a Virus, no Antibiotics should be prescribed unless and until it is associated with any other Infections. Avoid using Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (like Aspirin, Ibuprofen, etc). Paracetamol is the best choice for relieving Pain and Fever.
  • Management of Dengue: Drinking plenty of fluids and juices helps in the management of Dengue. The main items that should be preferred during Dengue are Papaya, Cucumber, Kiwi and Guava. Eat them as much as you can or else drink their juice if possible. It's more than enough to cure Dengue.
  • Prevention: Prevention is only possible by preventing mosquito bites. Use mosquito repellent creams during day times and go out, Use mosquito nets during night time, Keep the surroundings clean and hygienic, Dispose the stagnant water around you, Frame your windows with mesh or net so as to stop mosquitoes from entering house, Wear long clothes which covers almost every part of body during traveling.

These are the striking facts that everyone should know about Dengue Fever…

Thanks for reading…!

Source of Information and Related Articles:

Wikipedia: Dengue Fever

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